Friday, May 16, 2008


So...I made it...I went to Szeczin Poland yesterday to see my cousins, which was absolutely amazing. I only wish I could have stayed a little bit longer. I then took a bus over to Berlin that took me to Alexanderplatz....I thought I could walk to the hotel but I couldn't even find it on the little map I had plus I am lugging around a backpack that makes me want to fall over at the moment...I took a taxi....that was a lot cheaper than expected..and ticked off the driver bc he could not break the $50....bleh Oh well. you live you learn..and get away with a cheap ride hehe...

I'm anxious to get the trip started....I am just finishing my cup of coffee and walking back to the hotel to meet the rest of the group...Ready to take some pictures....okay more pictures :)

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