Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Fire+Philharmonic=ON FIRE

Another day rolls around...thanks to the text Julianna received, we were off to the Philharmonic that was on fire. The way they handled press compared to the states was completely different. The area was blocked off but we were off shooting pictures in the "blocked off" area without any problem. The only time asked to move was for the ambulances. One of the firefighters gave me his e-mail to send him the pictures I took of him. I can't see that happening in the states at all. 

On another note....I am meeting Andy tomorrow, my possible photo story. We shall see how that goes. I'm pretty exciting how things are turning out.


Anonymous said...

turns out people in Europe and generally happy and helpful...unlike us Americans...so go, $%^* yourself ::give finger:: and get back behind that tape!


Unknown said...

I am so happy you're finding inspiration (although a bit burned)!
I hope you soak it all up!